Book: Kane Trading on: Trailing Stops
November 1, 2009- I added a new free article, entitled 'Trading as a business is not like people think it is', excerpted from the November monthly commentary.
I was not able to resolve all the issues needed to transition to the new data feed for the commentary charts, as those that have read this month's commentary already know. I hope to have this resolved in plenty of time for the December commentary. Keep your fingers crossed. The wait should be worth it.
September 5, 2009- I created a page to determine the possible interest in some Kane Trading webinars. Please check this out and give me your input, and we'll see whether or not this is worth further consideration.
I will be 'out of the office' from the 7th to around the 14th. For book and eArticle ordering details during this period please see the notes on the tops of those pages. After I 'return to my office' I'll remove those notes, hopefully in a timely manner this time. I also posted an explanation in this month's commentary. Time to 'hit the links'. The only time I plan to see my office during that week is what I can see through the window from the garden or from the porch swing while I look out at the lake. Usually it's the other way around.
July 25, 2009- Oops. Oops, oops, oops. I've been back in the office for a week now and I just realized I still had the notes up on the Books and eArticles pages saying I'm out of the office. I just got that fixed. If you were holding off because you thought I wouldn't be able to ship, I'm back on the computer, I've been back all week enjoying this incredible market, and I'm ready to ship, so fire away.
While I was at it here fixing the above pages I also added some links to the Links page, so check that out. I hope to add some more as I think of them.
July 7, 2009- I finally got to updating the Testimonials page and the Recommended Reading page. I still have more testimonials to add down the line, and more books I could add to the Recommended Reading page, but at least I got done the 'bare bones' I had wanted to get done for quite awhile now. There's always so much I could do if I wanted to devote my life to this project, but I'd rather spend as much time and energy as I can on the charts and my new studies, so we'll all have to be happy with what we have. I have so many 'rough draft' free articles I hope to get to 'some day', perhaps during the winter time. I know I've thought and said that many times, but maybe this year...
February 27, 2009- I broke with a near six year tradition here on this website and posted my first content that is not my own. As I explained on this new article page, I have been getting a lot of questions over time, and more and more lately, about the mental aspects of trading. I like to read the weekly newsletter from Joe Ross (among the endless slew of things I try to read all the time), and lately he has been posting on various mental aspects of trading. I thought it would be great to direct my readers to this resource, and to reproduce one of his writings here. Joe graciously gave me permission to put the article on my website. Check it out, even if you are one of the rare and lucky ones not to have any problems with your head game. It's called: Do You Let Profits Define Your Self-Worth?
I still have several articles that 'someday' I will try to get around to cleaning up and posting. With all I have to do, it's hard to get to them, but eventually... Otherwise, I continue to clean up the site, updating broken links as people change various addresses, getting rid of link exchanges that no longer link to me (or from websites that no longer exist), and companies or exchanges merge, and so on. I apologize for letting that go so long. I've read some decent material lately, so eventually I'll look over the Recommended Reading page and update that, too.
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