Jan 4, 2021-
Hmmm, I actually followed through and wrote the 'forum people' article. I
posted it on the Free Articles page.
Here's the direct link. I want to
warn you, it's scathing, as I promised. It's full of vitriol the likes of which
you usually don't see from me. I am known for speaking my mind, and I do here.
I tear into the lunacy I have seen over the years in forums, and I don't hold
back. Be forewarned. Jan 1, 2021- Well, you probably got here via
the closure page and you already know the
news. Kane Trading is no longer operating as a business. All PayPal links have
been removed/deactivated (if I found them all...). I will keep this
website up for archival purposes for some period of time, perhaps indefinitely.
There is a tremendous amount of information here that I put a lot of hours
into, and I like the idea of it continuing to be a resource for those who are
pursuing this type of methodology. In a sense it's part of my legacy, my life's
work, and I like to have that still available. I hope to write at least one new
article about 'forum people', as alluded to on the closure page. If I do I'll
post a link on the free articles page and mention it in here. I have literally
dozens of articles already written in rough draft form that I never polished up
and put on the site. There are only so many hours in a day, and the diminished
following of this site is an impediment to my motivation. In other words, my
'motivatory' is broken. But keep checking back, because I would like to get at
least the one article up. 2016
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